Seven years ago you made a scared young girl, a mom. In a single minute you my sweet boy changed my entire world. I never knew I could love another person as much as I loved you. I can remember sitting in the hospital and watching your every move. Scared to tears that I would mess something up I would hold you and then hold you and then hold you some more. I can remember not wanting to sleep in the hospital. I wanted to watch your every move, your every coo, your every wiggle, your every yawn, your every cry. I didn't want to miss a single second.
I am not sure how I simply blinked and went from rocking you and singing to you to sleep- to watching you turn into this amazing boy. Full of life. Full of joy. Full of character. Full of Life. To say that I am blessed to have you as my son is an understatement. You are such an amazing example to your brothers. You have this amazing desire and love for Jesus and to know him more. It humbles me and challenges me everyday.
When I asked you what was the one thing you wanted for this special birthday you said a new Bible. One that was just yours. You told me you wanted to be able to read more. I am so proud of you. Your laughter is contagious. You bring so much joy to our family.
Your brothers adore you and do everything they can to be/act/talk/jump/run/play just like you. What makes my heart smile is that you are mine. As I watch you grow my sweet boy I am thankful that you still hold my hand, you actually think I am cool, you love me coming to see you at school and you write me the sweetest little notes ever. I know one day that will all stop. One day you will be out of our home and out into this crazy world. So for today at this very moment I will soak up every little second that I have with you.
I love you to the moon and back!
Happy Birthday my sweet boy!