Monday, June 13, 2011

A State of the Heart.

Happy Monday, Friends!
This weekend was filled with weddings, birthday parties, soccer games, movies and lots of jumping on the trampoline. It's funny as I sit here at my computer the window is open and I can feel the sweet summer night breeze and the smell of a family BBQ. As I sit here the one thought that has stuck in my mind all day is a question that I heard someone ask today. "How is your heart?"  Kinda of a loaded question, isn't it? One of those questions that many people don't ask because they really don't want to know or they don't ask because you might then turn around and ask them. The more I thought about it the more I felt convicted in the fact of not asking myself or others that question enough. Yes, there are some days my heart is ungrateful, overwhelmed, not loving people, under appreciated, not content, BUT then I am reminded of a God {my God} who is my joy-giver, my hope, my contentment, my Redeemer, and my grace-giver. I am quickly reminded that I need to ask that question daily/hourly. He has done a great work in me {and you} and is not finished yet. Asking hard questions puts you in a spot of vulnerability but feeling a bit uncomfortable can be a great thing. My heart is feeling undeservable grace and I am truly thankful. So I ask all of you... How is your heart this Monday morning?   


  1. My heart is a little bit stressed. But at least I have your blog to look at! And see those cute graduation pics!

    Monica @ Ask the Duplex

  2. Today my heart is full of love for my little family and all of my friends...they make me happy. Thanks for asking!

  3. Monica~ Hugs to you! Here's hoping for a better day today! xoxox

    Kerry~ I am with ya girl! My family makes me happy too!


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