I am so excited to come to you, my favorite readers, and let you in on an awesome opportunity. Some amazing bloggers {Mommin' It Up, Here Only, Savings Lifestyle, Evan Has Landed, Random Becky, Once a Month Mom, WestAnaWillGo} and I are participating in the GimmE Five campaign. Its launch is today and we are asking all of YOU, friends and random strangers of E, to each bless their family with a $5 dollar gift {more if you would like}. You can donate by simply clicking on the button below.
For those of you who don't know E... Let me tell you a little bit about my friend. Her and her husband Steve are on staff with Athletes and Action. Chris and I have had the honor of supporting them and watching them literally pour their lives into other people and to us. It has been such a blessing for our family. Steve and E have three adorable children: Olivia {age 5}, Turner {age 3} and Quinn {age 3} who they adopted from China in 2009. They are unbelievable parents and dear friends of ours.
Here is some of the back story: E had been having bloating issues that led to her having a CT scan. The day after her scan they would received news that would forever change their lives. The Dr had brought them in to tell them that, "some large masses showed up that I am very very concerned about." Three days later E had a complete hysterectomy on Friday January 21st for Stage III c ovarian cancer. As far as surgery goes, it was successful in that all the visible cancer was removed. Elizabeth is scheduled to start chemotherapy on Monday, February 21st. She will have outpatient surgery this Thursday to have two ports placed, one in her chest and one in her abdomen, through which she will receive the chemo. E will then begin four months of intense chemo.
So, this is a campaign to BLESS their family. All gifts will be used for expenses incurred by the Koproski family during E's months of chemotherapy. Since E is a stay-at-home mom, these expenses will likely include paying for child care, transportation, house cleaning, and grocery shopping but will also likely include many 'unexpected' expenses that at this point we cannot imagine, and other things like insurance co-pays, and any adaptive equipment or items that E might need to be comfortable at home. Rest assured that E and Steve are grateful and humbled by this effort and will be the best stewards of your generous gifts.
I can't thank you enough for being a part of blessing E and her sweet family during this time. If not in giving please shower them with prayer. Prayer for wisdom for their team of doctors and nurses who are fighting with them towards remission and then one day, being pronounced 'cured'. What a glorious day that WILL be! I am confident that her hope is resting on nothing less than Jesus' never-ending love. This journey won't be easy but I am praying that we can lighten this heavy load. Please check out E's journey on her blog! You will laugh and cry with her on this crazy road to kicking cancer's butt! Thanks for being a part of this journey. This life is always easier when it's done together. Please actively join us in the fight and lets blow their mind with funds they NEVER expected!
9 Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 {New International Version}
Great idea!