As many of you know Chris and I joined AdvoCare about 6 months ago. I was in need of energy and my husband has always been in shape but wanted to tone up even more. He went on to lose 15 lbs and add a ton of muscle. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to do this as a couple hours a week business but what I didn't know is the impact it would have on me. I am amazed at what this company stands for and the impact it has had on our family in such a short time. Not only is it the best nutrition you can put in your body BUT it has replaced the income that will be taken away due to Chris' upcoming furlough in a month. It has allowed us to not have to worry and stress over what all needs to be cut from our budget. What I love most about all of this is that we get to meet and help people get healthy and add income to their families. I am just so thankful that a friend told me about this great company and although I will admit I was a little skeptical {my husband way more than me} I am so glad we made the leap of faith.
So, there you have it. That is why, for our family, AdvoCare is changing our little life. Our desire is to help others get physically healthy and to help those who need the ability to breathe and have some financial relief. Whether that is making a car payment, house payment or school tuition we really are committed to making that happen for other families/college students and AdvoCare is the vehicle we have been blessed with.
If you are interested in joining us on this journey we would feel blessed and welcome you and your family with open arms. Life is done better with people around you who can encourage you and support you {...and we have the best team ever}. YOU will succeed with us. YOU will change other peoples lives and in turn yours will change as well!
Sometimes all we need is someone to believe in us before we believe in ourselves and as cheesy as that sounds, we believe in YOU!