She is trustworthy.
She is full of character.
She has inner beauty that only comes from Christ.
She uses her creativity and sense of style to create beauty
in her life and the lives of those she loves.
She is a bargain hunter.
She is a planner.
She is a planner.
She uses her time wisely.
She nurtures her children with the love of Christ.
She is a money saver.
She is an early riser.
She is a hard worker.
She sees a task and completes it.
She is domestic.
She has a heart for the needy.
The Proverbs 31 Woman...
The Proverbs 31 Woman...
Is not a worrier.
She is graceful.
Is married to a respected man.
Is an entrepreneur.
Watches over her home
She speaks worth while words and says them kindly.
She's respected by her husband and her children.
When I read of this woman the one thing that strikes me everytime is that this woman knows contentment. Contentment in who she was created to be, what she was created for and who she was created by! This is the woman I want to be.
What are your favorite characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman?

This post is linked up to Top Ten Tuesday at Oh Amanda.
Go check out some other fabulous Top Ten lists!
I feel like she would be artsy and creative in her business endeavors. It's so cool that we are all different and yet we can all connect with this chapter centuries later.
ReplyDeleteI like the way that you put this. :) One of my older friends once said that it's good to strive to this women, but not necessarily all at the same time. I liked to think that there are seasons from many of these characteristics, otherwise she can seem very "superwoman."