Wednesday, October 26, 2011


You my sweet Birthday boy are simply a wonderment. You are an example of children being born with that certain something. It is not learned or practiced it simply is part of who you are. To say that you bring joy to our family would be an understatement. To simple say that you melt my heart with your curly blonde hair and deep blue eyes would be an injustice.

You my sweet boy have grown so much in the last year. I am amazed at what a great boy your are. I am blessed that for the past five years I have been able to wake you up every morning and tuck you into bed every night. I am blessed that for the past five years I have seen you develop into the sweetest, charming, loud, never know what you might say, joyful, kindhearted, hard working little boy.
 You are the one who will say to me, "Mom, two wrongs don't make a right." You humble me. I continue to be amazed at how much you know. You watch your brother all the time. You watch the way he plays sports, the way he reads, the way he tells stories and you mimic him. You are by far his biggest fan. 
 One of the biggest things I have learned about you this year is you are an encourager. I watch the way you encourage your brothers and cheer them on, I see the way you help out in your pre-school class and you amaze me. You are a gift my sweet boy.
 If I had a $1 for every time you have made me laugh till I had tears running down my face or for the times Nana and I have told and retold hilarious stories about you-- You my sweet boy would have your baby elephant that you asked for this year.

You have this immense capacity to love and make others feel loved. You are my snuggler. My fake like you have a cough in the middle of the night so you can come into bed with me snuggler. Yes, I know you're faking but I act like I don't. Because I know that this time is short. You are growing and I need you to stop that. I don't know if my heart can take it. 

My sweet boy your are sound asleep, snuggled next to your brother in bed. The streamers are up, the balloons are hanging, your presents are wrapped on the table and I can't wait for you to wake up so I can celebrate YOU. 

Happy Birthday My sweet sweet boy!


  1. How sweet! I love the line about the baby elephant. He is a doll! And I love the pictures. Happy birthday :)

  2. I love the way that you delight in your children and recognize their strengths and unique beauty. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!! :)

  3. Messy Mom and Lind Z~ you are two of my favorite ladies! Thanks for your encouragment and sweet comments!! xoxox


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