Wednesday, March 2, 2011

YOU are not a quitter.

AND, I’m not a quitter. I’m steadfast and committed. I stick with the things I enjoy and see the potential of. I also have the capacity to stick with things that are not pleasant but have lasting value.... until I let this word entire my brain and I freeze. I get scared. I do what I said I normally don't do. I quit. 
Picture your self at a track meet. You have your new Nike shoes on. Your number pinned on. Everyone says your going to do great at this race. No worries. You have it in the bag.
Your lined up. Your ready for the gun shot to go off. 
Your arms are pumping you are running and running fast. Never even thinking that failing is an option.
Until you see the finish line. It's close. Within sight. You are running past everyone. Your legs aren't stopping yet but your once focused mind suddenly starts to doubt. Starts to doubt your ability. Starts to compare your 'running' to the person running beside you or even 200 meters back. 
Do you quit? Do you just stop and stand there in the middle of your race? Do you let the fear get a hold of you? 
For me this is my struggle right now and for me this is what I continue to ask myself and tell myself and you. I am not a quitter. You are not a quitter. {in trying new things, in Joy, in Exercise, in the Word, in your Walk, in your Parenting, in your Illnes, in your Frienships, in your Marriages, in your Blogging, in accepting yourself, in loving your body

It's easy to quit. Anyone can quit. But you and I are stronger than that... we are called to more that.

Just wanted you to know. 



  1. Maria I LOVE reading your blog. Your words are inspirational and it seems as though every time I need to hear something,you say it! Thank you and I love you!

  2. Jen I am so glad you are reading the blog!! Thanks for ALL your encouragement. You made my day!


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